Your LIFE is
a Work of Art
(How to create a “Real Life” that is as compelling as any “Metaverse”)
One magical evening this winter, I found myself high on a rooftop in Los Angeles, listening to a panel of artists from around the world discussing the “Metaverse.” As the sunset turned the sky into a canvas of orange and pink, I realized I was witnessing one of the most intriguing events of the whirlwind week that is the annual Frieze Art Festival.
There were photographers and video cameras all around us, and I was praying that my state of unselfconscious rapture would not be captured by the cameras! I was sitting with my back up straight and eyes wide open, because I tend to completely nerd out when it comes to the study of art, technology, and human evolution !
The panel’s consensus was that the “Metaverse” as a concept, is not really new… It’s simply in a state of being expanded, promoted, and more heavily adopted than ever before. It is a mirror for, and an amplification of, the fact that all creation starts in the intangible realm (ideas, imagination, mental power) before it makes its way through to the physical.
This is a concept Artists have always embraced and practiced.
And we now feel compelled to engage in conscious dialogue around it, as our civilization begins to integrate more rapidly than ever with the technology that I am using to share this post.
While every artist on the Frieze panel celebrated having access to aspects of technology that expand their painting, architecture, and film making practices, they emphasized that they view virtual worlds as ways to enhance physical art and life, rather than as a means to escape from the physical, or as a means to replace it.
That statement resonated with my experience 100%.
As a Life Coach and former professional artist, I’ve learned this:
One of the biggest keys to utilizing the virtual worlds consciously, instead of allowing yourself to be sucked into them unconsciously, is to continue to create a real, physical life that is as engaging, colorful, and compelling to you as any metaverse could ever be.
So in that spirit, I’m sharing 4 Artist Techniques than can make your life as compelling as a work of art . . . virtual or otherwise!
My dream for all of us is that we use expanding technology in a discerning way, to sharpen our minds, evolve or consciousness, and make physical life more engaging than ever before.
I’m presenting these keys here in a simple, accessible way. If you’re curious about going in depth on any of these… Feel free to contact me through!!
KEY #1: Artists Understand that Real Art (and Real Life) is not about being “Perfect”.
Perfection is a blank canvas, an empty stage, a silent and perfectly arranged recording studio. ART (and LIFE) is what happens when we are bold enough to make a mark, make a move, make noise! While machines can seduce with the idea of automated perfection, it’s powerful to keep in mind that we were brave enough to incarnate in bodies because we sought adventure, growth and pleasure . . . not perfection.
Crafting a Life, just like creating art, is about being engaged in the process. When I was dancing professionally, over 50% of my time was spent training, rehearsing, and learning in-depth information about my body from the physical therapists and acupuncturists that helped keep my instrument in tune. Finished performances are a small percentage of a dancer’s life . . . loving the process of growth is what the majority of an artists’ path is.
Applying the artists’ path to your life will yield powerful results. Be willing to nurture yourself through the ongoing experiment that is human life. Celebrate those moments when it all falls into place . . . and savor the ups and downs and wild rides of the evolution!
KEY #2: Artists Make Magic with Whatever is Present
Artists know that a life of creativity can’t be dependent on having ideal conditions. If you are committed to to your art ( or life!), you show up for the muse every day, you appreciate whatever is available to you, and you start working.
So whether you’ve been putting off finishing that degree, starting a new business, or talking to that hot guy at the coffee shop . . . Use the artists approach and just take that first step! Get messy. Try different ways. And don’t use anything as an excuse to give up.
KEY #3: Artists Are Relentlessly Curious
Artists are more interested in learning, growing, and experimenting than in appearing “right” or “perfect.” The artist wants to experiment in order to evolve. As much as they honor technique and order, they know that real art/life is both messy and magical.
So when you find yourself over-thinking your next big move, allow yourself to tap into your desire to grow, your willingness to experiment, and your knowing that the technique and wisdom you have developed as a soul will serve as a light to guide you.
KEY #4: Artists Enjoy (and commit to!) The Process
When I was a concert dancer, my colleagues and I loved the rehearsal process as much as (sometimes more than) the time on stage!
We loved showing up raw and ready at the studio… working out our ideas to the most beautiful music… sweating, breathing, connecting, creating…
Delivering the finished product on stage was also a thrill… but as I mentioned in #2 ; stage time is a small percentage of a dancer’s life!
Loving the PROCESS and the CREATION is what makes being a Dancer (and a Human) such an exquisite and valuable choice.
So when you are working towards your next big goal… Remember to be awake and aware and sensual and alive during the PROCESS of getting there .
If you lose your soul and your physical health in the process, it’s not going to be there when you arrive at your destination!
Stay connected, stay embodied, stay in LOVE.
These keys are not unique to artists.
Any human who is engaged and committed to calling — whether as a scientist, entrepreneur, parent, or mechanic, or a monk — is using these principles as well.
I want to leave you with 2 things I have found to be true so far in my experience . . .
Concepts the Frieze Panel seemed to celebrate as well …
Ideas that might help you, too, as you navigate the coming evolutions:
1. ALL technology (from the “human body” to the “metaverse”) can be beautiful and useful tools for your soul if used consciously and in alignment.
2. When you stay connected to your soul and to your source, and you will navigate wisely and artistically through all ages and all times.
Thanks so much for reading!
I hope to see you again here soon.
Feel free to reach out with comments or requests for future posts.
Hello, I'm Draža: Life Coach & Meditation Teacher
I write thought pieces for people who are aiming to create a life that feels like a
work of art.
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